
We are registered Company and operates in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, specialized and are actively involved in breeding and supply of fresh water fish located at the riverbank of Sungai Pahang (Pahang River) in the district of Temerloh, Pahang. Our caged breeding method, which has been fully tested and proven, is commonly used in fish breeding by majority of fish breeders in Malaysia, especially those who operates in the East Coast region of Malaysia. In line with our expansion program, we hereby invite those who wish to become an agent in marketing our products nationwide. We also welcome interested investors to work exclusively with us based on “contract farming” at our dedicated area, located within 5 kilometers stretch along the Pahang River near Temerloh.

We are also looking for those who are interested to become our joint venture partner in this rewarding business opportunity and we welcome any enquiries in relation to this.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Senarai nama-nama saintifik bagi ikan air tawar

Berikut adalah senarai nama-nama saintifik bagi ikan air tawar:

Nama Keluarga Nama Saintifik Saiz Biasa Nama Lain
Ikan Baung Bagridae Mystus nemurus (Val) 50 cm Catfish
Ikan Belida - Notopterus Chitala - -
Ikan Bulan - Megalops Cyprinoides / Indo-Pacific Tarpon - -
Ikan Chemperas - Cyclocheilichthys Apogon - -
Ikan Haruan / Gabus Channidae Channa striatus(Bloch) 40 cm Snakehead, Sang Yee
Ikan Jelawat Cyprinidae Leotobarbus hoeveni (Bleeker) 50 cm Sultan Fish, Sultan Yee
Ikan Kaloi - Osphroremus Gorami - -
Ikan Kap Kepala Besar - Aristichthys Nobilis - -
Ikan Kap Rumput - Ctenopharyngodon Idelius - -
Ikan Kawan - Labiobarbus Festiva - -
Ikan Kelabau - Osteochilus Melanopleura - -
Ikan Kelah - Tor Tambroides - -
Ikan Keli Clariidae Clarias Batrachus (Linn) 30 cm Catfish, Toh Sat Hu
Ikan Kelisa Emas Malaysia - Scleropages Formosus - -
Ikan Kelisa Emas Indonesia - Scleropages Aureus - -
Ikan Ketutu - Oxyeleotris Marmoratus - -
Ikan Kunyit-Kunyit - Lutjanus Carponotatus - -
Ikan Kurau - Polynemus spp / Eleutheronema te - -
Ikan Lampam Jawa - Puntius gonionotus atau Puntius Javanicus - -
Ikan Lampam Sungai - Puntius Schwanenfeldii - -
Ikan Lee Koh Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio (Linn) 50 cm Common Carp
Ikan Lomah / Lambik - Thynichthys Hnynnoides - -
Ikan Parang Sungai - Makrochirichthys Makrochirus - -
Ikan Patin Pangasiidea Pangasius sp. 55 cm Catfish
Ikan Patung / Kepor - Pristolepis Fasciatus - -
Ikan Puyu - Anabas Testudineus - -
Ikan Sebarau - Hampala Macrolepidota - -
Ikan Sepat Siam - Trichogaster Pectoralis - -
Ikan Sia - Mystacoleucus Marginatus - -
Ikan Tapah - Wallago - -
Ikan Tebal Sisik - Barbus Binotatus - -
Ikan Temakang - Helostoma Temmincki - -
Ikan Tengas - Acrossocheilus Hexagonolepis - -
Ikan Tenggalan - Puntius Bulu - -
Ikan Terbul - Osteochilus Hasselti - -
Ikan Tilapia Cichlidae T.Hornorum x T.Mossambica 22 cm Tilapia hybrid
Ikan Toman - Channa Micropeltes - -

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